Kantha Embroidery and beautiful colours,that is what got interested me in Tia Pakhi.I love these little stitches called Kantha. Kantha stitiches where there from time immemorial,nowadays designers and craftpersons reinvent new designs with age old craft forms.
It was to my surprise that they had one of their exhibtions in New Delhi,in one of the beautiful villages in one of the beautiful surroundings of Rose,Hauzkhas. The exhibition seemed quite natural.By the time I reached it was the last day of the exhibition and it was late evening .So photographing the beauties in daylight seemed quite difficult for me so that I had to shoot in the dark.Tia Pakhi has also some brilliantly Indianised shoot for their products.
Tia pakhi cushions made my spring brighter and wonderful.see them in the last post.
As the sun sets and its time for my images which i took in the low light..The lamps kept just blew my mind.lamps glowing and the reflections made the ambience richer and brighter.I was fortunate to have been there at that time.
Images from 1 to 8 are copyrighted to Tia PAkhi
9-17 are copyrighted to LAkshmi Arvind
please do not copy nor save images
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