Lorises as she calls herself in flickr,"Kaberi" is a dear friend of mine.Though its not been regular emails,between us,but there are certain friendships beyond that.We never grew apart at heart.

It may not be the same,
But some things never change.
I feel it and I trust it,
I still believe in forever
Because that's what my heart knows.

Memories are the dew drops on our petals
That re-open the buds that have closed.
Flowers wilt as seasons change,
Though they grow a little more with rain.
Flowers,by H.Barnes

She is an an ecologist with training in biology and anthropology and a mother of two girls (age 10 and 5).
Currently an adjunct assistant professor at the California State University Fresno. Before that I chased wildlife especially nonhuman primates in the forests of India. Sometimes, I did that with my own little primate offspring at night!

She has varied interests in photography, nature conservation, animal behaviour, urban ecology , science education, films, landscape ecology, urban farming, developmental psychology to progressive politics as well as cooking and eating:-).She volunteers for the local schools, Fresno Audubon Society, and other environmental and cultural advocacy organizations such as Coalition for Save The Jesse Morrow Mountain, Fresno film works and Youth Orchestra of Fresno etc.

She currently lives in the middle of one of the richest agricultural tracts in the World! In fact, in some ways, this part of California is similar to rural, suburban part of South Asia! Set in the foothills of Sierra Nevada mountains, it has high ethnic diversity with White European, Hispanics, South Asian and Southeast Asian. Some of the richest farmers in this valley are from Punjab. It is also one of the poorest parts of the US with one of the highest unemployment rate. All of these together with the beautiful landscapes makes it an interesting and challenging place to live

Today have a look at her house and flowering corners arranged for us..
our house says "kaberi"
reading corner
lamps and dokra figurines
crowded again
tea cups and flowers
the window sills
the evening light
floating reflections
lilies,light and cross stitches
crowded group of succulents
in the patio

an antique metal plant stand

on the table
my blue chair
Wondering how you are enjoying this series,do read and comment and let me know.....
will wait ...


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