Diwali is a joyful, festive occasion for all who celebrate in India and throughout the world and so in Honolulu,Hawaii..Wherever there is an Indian Mind there is a Diwali!

Amerjit Ghag lives in the tropical paradise of Honolulu,Hawaii.Her home is an expression of her love for colour and pattern.A space that reflects her Indian sensibilities and colour combined with the design aesthetics of Western.

Here are some Diwali celebrations all the way from Hawaii from the very enterprising Amerjit Ghag Of "Chai Studio ".

These  images Inspiring all of us towards a pure and peaceful way of life; filled with character and love.All these elements used in decorating are simple and reveal her warmth,her love for colour and pattern combined with the rustic elegance.The warmth of the space attracts us to each of her simple corners and she wishes the readers a joyous Diwali!

All Images And Ideas Conceived By: Amerjit Ghag..


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