*Travelling to different homes and a peak into their decor,continues....
*Some of these are elements and decor items which you will love to place it in your homes.
*Above images are all of simple and basic elements ,not with the collectors point of view and highflying decor items.
*Very ordinarly kept and simple to the chore.
*I loved the light,which i would always love to have in my home
*This house is of my Dads Cousin sisters house.
*This is a beautiful ettukettu(consisting of two courtyards in the house) and the walls are all wooden and the whole house is made with beautiful wood
*There are lot of paintings in the house,most of them her daughters
*Some of them are lithographs of old publishers,...
*The light has it trick here too,with a lot of light coming in from the courtyards..
*These pictures were shot At my Dads Uncle's Place at Kerala,Adoor.
*This house is a palatial Ettukettu(having two inner courtyards,one small and the other very big.
*They have a granary which is still in wood,where they store the grains from the fields.
*A very short visit for me ,indeed,which left me with no time to talk to them ,than to click some snaps,out of time,the important ones were left without shooting,.like the front view of the house:)-
*The light from the courtyards were amazing and they didnt need a light in the home,till its dark.
*The photos of the powerful yester generations photos were framed and were all over the place and were lined on both sides of the courtyards.
*The bigger courtyard had lots of jasmine climbers all over the place.
I do hope to bring in better images next time.
Hope u all enjoyed the glimpse of the tour
If then do write in,..
Ideas and images by Lakshmi Arvind
Pl do not copy or steal them
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